Thank you for receiving this Syllabus ; which is submitted to your attention and response per your historical relationship with both Original indigenous Peoples and the general population of Canada since 1613.

The continued land claim disputes - as based upon the principles of Free Prior Informed Consent [UN]  - are founded upon the subject matters of Peace, Trust & Friendship ; in conjunction with the historical colonial "discovery" claims; and, therein, requires a modern era human rights resolution; which we advocate is available through the UN Charter Chapter VII application.

We are applying to the Netherlands - regarding your historical relationships with Peoples of Turtle Island North / Canada - in relationship to your memberships / founding partnerships in the Two Row Compact (i.e, 1), the League of Nations; and, the United Nations.

The continued good principles exemplified by the Netherlands in matters of human rights and international trade and commerce protocols serves well and appropriately here; and - we respectfully submitted here - is the Peace, Trust & Friendship template that will provide appropriate pathways, today, in matters of conflict between Peoples and nations.

Again, thank you for receiving and considering this Syllabus; which includes the submission to British Columbia's Shqwi'qwal A-in-CHUT Atleo; and, our introduction to the Haudenosaunee Grand Council .

We ask that the Netherlands proceeds to secure copies of our submissions to the United Nations Security Council (2005, 2013 & 2014) for purposes of determining if you will exercise your UN membership entitlements; and, therein, petition that the UN General Assembly direct the UN Security Council to compel the UN Credentials Committee to commence the petitioned Canada Credentials conflict between Original indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island  North of the 49th parallel and the Elizabeth II Crown Canada.

The objective, here, being that the UN Credentials Committee shall implement the Free Prior Informed Consent principles, in conjunction with the Chapter VII provisions to determine if Crown Canada has historically and continues to breach the matters of hostile military occupancy in absence of specific UN Security Council sanction; namely, alleged "Treaties" do not constitute "Treaties" per the UN Charter; nor, are within the Two Row Wampum provisions, as alleged by Chief Deskaheh in 1923, when he sought to appear before the League of Nations in order to submit alleged breaches by the United Kingdom / Britain against indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island North, supra.

The Rocky Mountain Cree Nation declarations today - where they are a continued sovereign nation, governing their traditional lands  against the alleged trespass of Crown Canada serves as the foundation of this Class Claim against Crown Canada.

In Summary : Objectives & Considered Resolutions
  1. The Lawyers Rights Watch Canada amicus curiae submission to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) demonstrates the historical anti-indigenous practices of the Crown Canada federal government on these matters of Original indigenous Peoples paramount governing land claims; and, are further illustrated by the supporting Amnesty International brief
  2. Both the UK Parliament & the European Court of Human Rights have been apprised by this author, herein, of the unfolding claims regarding the allegations of the Elizabeth II evident breach of her obligations to (preserving the customs and traditions of all of the Peoples of her dominion in justice and mercy so help her, God) 1953 Coronation Oath; and, the Crown Canada breaches of international law - including,but not limited to - the Charters of the League of Nations; the United Nations; and, the Two Row Treaty provisions. Within these parameters are the provisions of the Canada Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Statutes - per, the UN Charter stipulations.
    Netherlands responses to this Petition
    may / shall be forwarded to
    1.778.433.3908 or 1.250.709.1809
    OIPC : Emissary Registry : 1404, 350 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC, Canada V8V 2P5 : INTL HQ
    In Truth
    Huy'Ch'Qu' / Thank You / Merci / Miiqwich
    Goodwin, RC / SQYX
    on behalf of Circle of Fires : Western Doorkeeper : GTIF / STT / RMCN